I realize this lends itself more towards jewelry than relic, but I need help since I've reached a dead end in researching it.
Encircling the cross reads: <span style="background-color:#ffff00;">:S:MICHAELI ARCHANG * SIGNUM ONFRATERNITAT </span>
My uneducated Latin translation is: St. Michael the Archangel, Sign(symbol, or token) of Fraternity (brotherhood). At 6&12 o'clock on the cross is "F", and at 3&9 o'clock a "P". The closest cross type I can match is the "Maltese", not sure though. The other side shows St. Michael with foot holding down the dragon, staff on dragons head, letter "B" in field at 7 o'clock encircled by dragon's tale. The letter "P" appears again in the flowing coattail(?) at 3 o'clock. Pendant is pewter or silver. Was found at 1820-1850s site.
This is full of so much symbolism, it would be nice to learn the full meaning. None of the current St. Michael medals have as much detail. Thanks
Encircling the cross reads: <span style="background-color:#ffff00;">:S:MICHAELI ARCHANG * SIGNUM ONFRATERNITAT </span>
My uneducated Latin translation is: St. Michael the Archangel, Sign(symbol, or token) of Fraternity (brotherhood). At 6&12 o'clock on the cross is "F", and at 3&9 o'clock a "P". The closest cross type I can match is the "Maltese", not sure though. The other side shows St. Michael with foot holding down the dragon, staff on dragons head, letter "B" in field at 7 o'clock encircled by dragon's tale. The letter "P" appears again in the flowing coattail(?) at 3 o'clock. Pendant is pewter or silver. Was found at 1820-1850s site.
This is full of so much symbolism, it would be nice to learn the full meaning. None of the current St. Michael medals have as much detail. Thanks