Picture this fellas, a big shopping center , and way out at the edge of parking lot huge ice burg snow piles melting ! And leaving a debris field , of everything that fell out of peoples cars and pockets , during the winter and the snow plows push it up into one big pile for us. a detectorist can hide behind the snow on the south west side and find lots or goodies . easy pickings some clad is visible and some barely covered buy the sand the plow trucks put on the parking lot for traction , jewelry can be found as well , these snow burgs are so big in northern mi small streams flow from them and when the wind hits them right its refreshing , up north the ground is still half frozen and the lake ice has not left yet, so a water detectorist can have some fun cleaning up a lot of clad , in fact I find more quarters at the edge of parking lots than I do in water, if the snow burgs are gone then look for the sand piles ,cigarette butts ,plastic bottles ,and paper , I've found more clad here than any were else , every store and needs to put their snow somewhere , have fun .