Initial impressions, so far, are very favorable. I put the coil on my machine tonight, right after I got it, and it has great balance. Its not really that noticeably heavier than the stock coil, but then I have my machine setup to swing left hand and the shaft is about as short as it will go. But, I'm used to it being setup that way so as to optimize balance. I turned the machine on with my sens/gain set at about 6 and it gave a real nice discriminate beep on a bolt in a floor joyce at about 4 or 5 inches above the floor. But, Wow, when I turned the gain up to +2, I almost couldn't hold it high enough off the floor. Also, when sweeping the floor it gave two discrete beeps close together over two targets close together. Man, can't wait to get this puppy out in the yard. If it wasn't pitch dark right now, I'd be out there. I have every hope that this will give the depth I was looking for with the F75, without all the EMI sensitivity and cheap build problems.