With 36 years of detecting under my belt, mostly as a coin shooter, I had a wonderful first this morning from a hard hunted and very trashy site. I started the morning right off with a wheatie followed shortly there after with a 53 s Rosie and then a couple of pre 83 memorial cents. By this time I had worked my way into some very serious trash and received a kind of scratchy high tone with a bouncy reading up to 91. I usually coin hunt in 3h tones and have learned to carefully investigate all high tones. From about a 7" deep plug, I popped up a 51 d Franklin half and a 1922 Peace dollar and a rusty 10 penny nail. The nail was laying directly and slightly above the half and dollar. In all my years of detecting, that is only my 2nd silver dollar and to find such along with a half in the same hole made for a very special outing for me. The more I use the F75, the more astounded I become at what it will do. No, I don't have the smaller coil yet. I was one that felt the stock coil was so good in trash that the smaller one was not necessary. After reading the numerous small coil posts, though, I guess I am going to have to have my wife break down and get one to put under the Christmas tree for me. HH everyone. jim tn