Pete in MI
New member
With dogface's post and that of Mike from Chicago, I have to add this to the 'nothing ceases to amaze me'. Presently the only income we have coming in has been the money Casey has been getting as a result of her Dad's disability funds from Social Security. As long as Casey lives here she gets this money to meet her needs. Part goes to help pay the heat and electric but the majority takes care of her person needs. Well, she can use it too buy Christmas presents.
She was looking forward to getting the money so she could plan for Christmas. We found out that her Dad contacted Social Security and said she lives with him and not us (wrong) and they (Soc. Sec.) took his word for it, changed him as payee and all the money went to him. He has no intention - and never did - of letting Casey have any of it because he feels it is his money not hers, not Social Securitys and certainly not God's.
We talked to Soc Sec and we have to prove Casey lives with us - even though he didn't have to show proof to change it to his name. So we have no idea how God is going to pay our bills or how He is going to help Casey pay for presents for anyone but we know God will perform miracles.
All I can say is may God have mercy on Casey's Dad's soul for the evil things he has done, continues to do and who knows what will happen later.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Jesus is the reason for the season.
She was looking forward to getting the money so she could plan for Christmas. We found out that her Dad contacted Social Security and said she lives with him and not us (wrong) and they (Soc. Sec.) took his word for it, changed him as payee and all the money went to him. He has no intention - and never did - of letting Casey have any of it because he feels it is his money not hers, not Social Securitys and certainly not God's.
We talked to Soc Sec and we have to prove Casey lives with us - even though he didn't have to show proof to change it to his name. So we have no idea how God is going to pay our bills or how He is going to help Casey pay for presents for anyone but we know God will perform miracles.
All I can say is may God have mercy on Casey's Dad's soul for the evil things he has done, continues to do and who knows what will happen later.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Jesus is the reason for the season.