...I was lookin thru the old RED BOOK last nite at gold coins;and I noticed their sizes are not too far off from the sizes of other coin types...I am planning a m/ding trip to that beach club I go to detect in September-I didnt make it this year-and;I believe the chances of me finding a gold coin or two there are pretty good;based on the owner's statements that a lot of well-to-do people frequented this location in the last 100+years...I NEED TO KNOW:WHERE do gold coins read on the analog meter??What do they sound like??Do they read like a pull-tab;like gold rings??If that is the case;WHO KNOWS how many possible good targets I missed??
...Maybe I should just run the whole place in all-metal;and dig,dig,dig!!I HAVE found some real nice jewelry there;and gold rings-A few Walking Liberty Halves,and a lot of nice Mercury dimes;too.