Mark in NC
Am I the only one who was impressed with how well designed they are? I was changing out batteries today....a rare occurrence on the F75
and took the time to realize how cool it was to be able to get to things (ie: the batteries!) without having to remove the cover... I also dig the little velcro collar the tucks around the coil cable and groove over the little flap that covers the headphone jack...
For some reason, it's the little details that impress me when I'm tinkering with something. I've got a feeling that even if I get the environmental upgrade, I may still keep the covers on there due to their "cool" factor!
For some reason, it's the little details that impress me when I'm tinkering with something. I've got a feeling that even if I get the environmental upgrade, I may still keep the covers on there due to their "cool" factor!