You should be getting high tone. But mine hits nickels with a mid-tone in enhance mode and they read as beaver tail pulltab new and old nickels such as Buffulos register the same. With maybe an occassional bounce to high tone depending on how fast I whip the coil over the target.
Heck, I went out with my CZ70 this afternoon to the same spot I hunted with the 3d for the past 3 hunts and the CZ70 netted me 5 nickels all in high tone.
Now the 3d will hit nickels in high tone while in the salt mode everytime, but in enhanced mode, I usually wouldn't dig them because of the mid-tone, but yesterday, I dug two nickels with the 3d, which hit in mid-tone and showed pulltab on the meter, so I switched over to salt & sure enough, it was nickels which hit in the high tone & showed nickel in salt mode.
Well, I got the 3d boxed up awaiting a pickup order through UPS from Fisher so that it can go back to them hopefully for some fine tuning.