Took the GT out to the farm field and was seaching in all metal , and i get this signal really soft ,round bit of a low dip to it , so I figured its a slug dug down 8" and out comes the slug . and thats the great thing about this machine even in all metal i can tell whats down thear nails and iron very easly identified in all metal this detector is incredible and the pinponting in all metal is great . The multi frequency really helps on the targets and its is so stabe i dont get the sound from the ground say if you went over a high lump of dirt it just stays so smooth. some of you guys are telling me to use disq but man the all metal is getting to be my favorite mode The small lead round ball also gave a soft low dip and i figure it was lead and it was what a great machine It is way better than the musky i may just sell my musky