As some of you know, i recently picked up an Excal and an original Sovereign ......I have noticed a couple of things while spending a LOT of time reading this forum and it has really made me wonder about both machines so I thought I would post ..... When reading about guys using their Sovereigns on dry land , the majority seem to run in DISCRIMINATE mode and most seem to say that they get at least as deep , if not deeper ........Lord knows it's surely easier to listen to in Discriminate mode when hunting dry land with all the iron iand mineralization in the soil ..........Now you switch over to the other side of the coin and you have your water hunters , and they run in ALL METAL mode, and this is how THEY get deeper .... I've read many times over that in most older machines , which the technology on the Sovereign and the Excal really is older , that by running discrimination , you will loose depth !!.....This is not just the Minelab machines , but other machines as well ...... I also know that it's up to the individual , and the mineralization and other factors , but it's been on my mind for some time now how we can hunt virtually the same machines , but use 2 radically different approaches on finding targets ......???????
Another thing that I have questioned is .....Does Minelab tune an Excal differently than they would a Sovereign GT because they know it will be used more in water ? ........Are they the same engines , but tuned differently ? ....A comparison , as strange as it might be, is motorcyles ......A company can make a street bike with a fairing and all kinds of plastic to run 150 mph and you have to keep the RPM's in the high range to keep the bike working optimally ......Then they take the SAME MOTOR for a NAKED version ( no fairing or plastics ) of the same bike , except they tune it differently and put different cam's and different compression pistons in it , yet it retains the same C.C."s and its tuned for low and midrange power ....... I'm wondering if the Sovereign and the Excal are TUNED differently for thier intended purposes ? ......or are they the same and one is a stripped down version without switches and put in a waterproof tube ? ....... ?????????
Thanks, Jim
Another thing that I have questioned is .....Does Minelab tune an Excal differently than they would a Sovereign GT because they know it will be used more in water ? ........Are they the same engines , but tuned differently ? ....A comparison , as strange as it might be, is motorcyles ......A company can make a street bike with a fairing and all kinds of plastic to run 150 mph and you have to keep the RPM's in the high range to keep the bike working optimally ......Then they take the SAME MOTOR for a NAKED version ( no fairing or plastics ) of the same bike , except they tune it differently and put different cam's and different compression pistons in it , yet it retains the same C.C."s and its tuned for low and midrange power ....... I'm wondering if the Sovereign and the Excal are TUNED differently for thier intended purposes ? ......or are they the same and one is a stripped down version without switches and put in a waterproof tube ? ....... ?????????
Thanks, Jim