I went up to my cabin a few days ago and went out detecting in my yard ...I have a few acres upstate NY and the area has some historical places to hunt but I've not gotten any permission , so I hunted my yard .....I came up with a strange signal that was nulling , yet I was also getting a higher pitched tone to the point of Silver sounding , but it was very abrupt ..... I dug down further and got to about 7 inches , and found an old crown cap that was VERY rusted !!!...This accounted for the nulling that I was getting , and.I thought that maybe the higher pitched tone was maybe a false since I had my sensitivity up a bit .........I stuck my pinpointer down in the hole thinking that I would have no signal to deal with , and thre it was !!!.....A STRONG signal coming from my pointer .......I dug about another inch or so , and right there sitting just as plain as day was a Mercury dime !!!..... This rusted old cap was just about DIRECTLY on top of this dime !!!..... I was in Discrim mode, and my Iron Mask was OFF !!.... Grant it this soil is not that highly mineralized, but STILL !!!....... I know my E Trac is darn good at stuff like this , but I had no idea that the Sovereign was that good at scrimming iron that is THAT CLOSE to a Silver target .......Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm !!!.....Jim