How many hunt in " All Metal " with the GT ? While testing my new 13" Ultimate I tried switching to " All Metal " and couldn't believe the serious depth I was getting in this mode. I mean deep, really deep.
I don't carry the control box around my neck so it was a pain in the butt changing back and forth, but the difference was so dramatic that I may have to rethink this.
I'm old school and hate changing old methods that work but this may change my way of thinking.
You guys hunting on Long Island looking for those old cobs just may get down deeper and getting those that you may have missed before. Then again you may already be hunting it that mode. What do you think Jim.
I don't carry the control box around my neck so it was a pain in the butt changing back and forth, but the difference was so dramatic that I may have to rethink this.
I'm old school and hate changing old methods that work but this may change my way of thinking.
You guys hunting on Long Island looking for those old cobs just may get down deeper and getting those that you may have missed before. Then again you may already be hunting it that mode. What do you think Jim.