I wanted to show the diffrence testing buried dimes in good and badd ground , the 1st part is a clay lome soil and is good ground i have dimes buried at 5" 6" 7" and 8" 10" and 12" then i go up to the badd ground called the anoka sand this is glacial outwach sand from granitic and basaltic rocks and is full of black sand . when the ground gets badd i somtimes hunt in the all metal modes , and get great depth as long as i dont turn up the sens to high as turning the sense to high in badd ground will magnify the ground signal and blurr out the target but disq in the badd ground is able to get 6.5 " deep with a diggable signal and jams shut at 7" now if you think this is a badd detector show me one in disq that can get thru this ground i welcome and one who wants to bring thear detector up as i would love to vidio it as well [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz2kvfHitFE&feature=channel[/video]