I have dimes buried from 2" to 12"and the ground is mineralized to some digree but not as bad as virginia dirt , anyway i made it to about 7" deep at bar minimum senc atempts to turn it past the 3:00 position did not help rather the signal breaks up i tried the S-12 and the WOT and the S12 and WOT did better on the 7" but began to break up on the 8" dime not shown but i may do a better vidio , and i think this is tru of most detectors in badd ground but good nes is in the all metal it gives clear signals and in pinpont mode i can hit the 12" buried dime no bull i can null on the 8" and9" in disq but i would gather it was a nails , [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQaIJdGkcC0&feature=channel[/video]