Yea, I think of the Xterra line as "old school" in that they function for the most part like any other machine on the market. Well, they do have a unique way in which they process the signal compared to conventional VLF detectors, but you know what I mean. I hear many Explorer/Etrac/Sovereign guys use the Xterra for freshly plowed fields or construction sites, because FBS and BBS machines tend to have trouble with getting max depth in freshly moved soil. I've never really heard much in the way of depth performance of the XTerra compared to other brands, so I couldn't say which would go deeper compared to them, but it for sure isn't going to go as deep as the GT due to it's multifrequency and ability to penetrate varying ground types. I considered the Xterra before buying a GT. Didn't like the fact that they didn't have a 3khz coil in the 12" size range for max depth/best frequency on copper/silver. That was the final straw on it for me.