Since I hunt by tone and never look at the meter, I ended up mounting my CZ6a's and my CZ20 on straight shafts.
Here are pics of how I ended up mounting the control boxes. For the 6a's, I mounted one of the stock brackets from an old rod assembly, to the straight shaft. For the CZ20, I got some thick tin and cut it a tad bigger than the width of the area where the clip slides in. The tin bends up a bit and holds really tight in the slots. Works fine for me.
May not be the neatest fabrication, but I don't need neat...I need what works. Mounting them this way has them balanced very well and I can hunt all day with this configuration. I usually run 8 inch coils 95% of the time, even beach hunting. But when I put the 10.5 or Sunray FZ-12 on the CZ6a, it still is balanced well. I tried the hip mount way, but it was too tedious for me, and on several occasions I almost stepped on the cable, so I ended up going this route.