The comparison of the Sunrays and Sony's .....
The Sunrays are NOT nearly as loud....The actual quality of the tone is very similar to the Sony's ...The limiter circuit in the Sunray Golds is very good .....It acts like a limitter should ....The volume is normal until a spike in volume is hit , and then they kick in and soften the blow .....On the Gray Ghosts , the limitter limits the volume altogether right from the start as if you turned the volume down, but still retains the high end ..... What I DID like about the Gray Ghosts is that they have a very "Thin" sound ...Not at all full sounding , so you hear a very limitted frequency response that is very nice for detecting .....Most other headphone manufacturers just use normal 150 ohm stereo headphone elements that have a full frequency response .....The limitted frequency response allows for a much crisper , and sharper , tone that is more defined and you can hear every nuance of the tone much better than the phones with a broad frequency responce that can tend to "Muddy" the tone and cover up the nuances of the tone .. .... The cheaper Sony's that we all know and love, are 64 ohm phones and therefore are LOUDER because of the lower ohm rating .... Since my hearing is not all that good , and I can adjust my volume, and the gain , on the E Trac itself , I will do so .....There is no volume control on the original Sovereigns ....It's all or nothing ..... I will be putting it up for sale shortly .... I want to try a Pulse machine ....
My Peltors came today and they block a TON OF NOISE !!!..... I got the 105's ......30 db of blocking ..... Anyone or anything that sneaks up on me will be shot on site !!..... I am writing this as I am waiting for my battery to charge on my drill ....I de soldered the ear transducers from the Sony phones, and will make a mount to glue them into the Peltors today .... I have a sneaky suspiciaon that these phones are gonna be LOOOOOOUUUUUUUD !!!!!!........ I'm not adding any volume control , nor am I adding a limitter circuit as its not going to be needed for the E Trac .... If I get another Sovereign , I will get one with a volume control ... or will wire in my amplifier that I recently got and control the volume from the amplifier ....
Just so you know , you can take a new/sharp exacto knife and scape the crap off the the treated wires on the phones ....Be careful not to cut thru them and your good to go .... They will then solder like any other wire .... It's tedious to do , but in my case it was a matter of throwing out a nice set of Koss phones with a volume control on them ...or fixing them by scraping the wires ...I scraped the wires ......They work GREAT once again !!.....Jim