Another nice warm breezy day in Edmonton. We should be shivering in our winter coats and staying inside, but instead, we can do whatever we want outside with no consequences. I was off today, so I thought I would take another opportunity to get in yet another hunt in the woods. I was hoping to get another silver coin. Well, no silver coins, but lots of coins and some interesting finds.

Looks like bottles were the hit today. First, an older COKE bottle showed up as I could see the bottom sticking out, then a bottle of beer, one of the older types, the "STUBY" which had never been opened. How it ever survived many winters of minus forty is really beyond me.

I came across an old leather wallet, and after removing some leaves from the immediate area, some personal ID showed up. Also found (not shown) was a Master Card, which expired in 1991. Of course, as you probably guessed, there was no loot. The wallet must have been stolen years ago.
My best find of the day was yet another bottle. The bottom was poking out from the dirt, so I carefully dug it up. After taking in home, cleaning it doing some research, it appears to have been produced around 1907. The beer named "VARSITY BRAND STRATHCONA" was named in conjunction with the land on which our university was built on.