I found this Sheriff's Department badge a couple days ago, with my CZ-20, in 4' of water at a local lake. I didn't think it was real, as there's no badge number, but when my other half took it up to the Sheriff's Department, they said it was real. She gave it to them, as I wanted to return it.
<center> <img src=http://img310.imageshack.us/img310/7674/20050711sheriffsbadgefront2lq.jpg> </center> <p>
<center> <img src=http://img310.imageshack.us/img310/9526/20050711sheriffsbadgeback2to.jpg> </center> <p>
I've found a couple kid's badges before, but this is my first real one.
Note: the picture(s) might not show up due to bandwidth limitations. If the picture(s) are not there, check back at a later time.
HH from Allen in MI
<center> <img src=http://img310.imageshack.us/img310/7674/20050711sheriffsbadgefront2lq.jpg> </center> <p>
<center> <img src=http://img310.imageshack.us/img310/9526/20050711sheriffsbadgeback2to.jpg> </center> <p>
I've found a couple kid's badges before, but this is my first real one.
Note: the picture(s) might not show up due to bandwidth limitations. If the picture(s) are not there, check back at a later time.
HH from Allen in MI