Its Monday:|This last Saturday,a co-worker of mine had to go down to Henry ford Hospital;along with the rest of his family-his older brother had leukemia;he was to the point he was only being kept alive by machines-They made the decision to turn off his life support Saturday morning...I told him Friday when you are faced with a decision like that;#1 priority is what is good for the patient...I told him your brother would probhably not want to live if the only way was by machines;none of us would-He agreed,but said "its SO hard having to do this"...I said prayers for his family yesterday in church...I still got sinus problems from that nasty virus I had 2 weeks ago-headache;coughing...GOOD NEWS:!!!!-On Channel 7 News last nite;they said it will be IN THE MID TO HIGH 40'S BY NEXT TUESDAY!!

Itll be time to run thru the woods in our birthday suits!!-