Mike from MI Iron Brigade
New member
Here are my thoughts on this gas crisis! First let mention how much this affects us all. We know that it costs us all more to fill our tanks to go to work, or anywhere for that matter. All the places that you go to eat will raise their prices, because their suppliers will raise their prices for trucking it in. But this means everything will go up! Airfares, postal services, groceries, car prices, schools will see big increases to their operating, which will likely raise local taxes, or mean lay offs to workers? guys like me who run small businesses (Lawn care) that require fuel will have to raise thier prices, or lose money which can result in loss of customers! Right now it costs me almost $40 to fill my main mower! and over $100 to fill my truck! And I am small potatoes! think of the big excavator who has to fill up dozers, backhoes, graders, and dump trucks! I'm not sure I can actually think of any business that does not rely on fuel costs in some way! I guess you can see that I am very stressed about all this!
This will likely mean that my family as well as many others will see smaller incomes and more expensive costs of almost everything around us! The only winners in all of this is the big oil companies! --------- Now to my second point! I know that God wants us to not have anxiety in anything, So we should pray about this every day! To some of you, it may sound silly to pray about gas prices, but the more I think aout it, the more I realize that God wants to hear about what is troubling us. If you think any of this makes sence, please make it a point to pray about it every day! I think I am going to put the current price of gas by my computer as a reminder to pray everyday! Thanks for listening! Mike from MI
This will likely mean that my family as well as many others will see smaller incomes and more expensive costs of almost everything around us! The only winners in all of this is the big oil companies! --------- Now to my second point! I know that God wants us to not have anxiety in anything, So we should pray about this every day! To some of you, it may sound silly to pray about gas prices, but the more I think aout it, the more I realize that God wants to hear about what is troubling us. If you think any of this makes sence, please make it a point to pray about it every day! I think I am going to put the current price of gas by my computer as a reminder to pray everyday! Thanks for listening! Mike from MI