Hey Ed, I served 6 years in the US Army and worked as DOD civilian on the bases here in Germany for the last 7 years. My wife is German and we own a house in Wuerzburg. unfortunately the Army has decided to close all the bases in our area so I'll be coming to Tennessee this fall to attend school for one year at the Tennessee Technology Center at UT. After that I'm hoping to get back to Europe to work as a under water welder and commercial diver. I have been in detecting heaven for the last few years and its gotten me alittle spoiled. I'm hoping to find some civil war relics while I'm in Tennessee. This a picture of me and Barbara at Mespelbrunn castle it's about one hour drive south west of Frankfurt airport on the Autobahn A3 and is really worth the visit They have a wonderful collection of artifacts and furniture that span the last 800 years of the Castles history. This is one of the most complete Fairytale castles in its original state I've found in all of Germany. Rob