I appreciate the kind comments. I have received a good bit of PM traffic, too, wondering whatever happened to me. I stand before you, my friends, humbled.
One of my other interests is firearms and collecting the stuff associated with them. I tend to do everything in planned steps, and have been focusing much of my "non-work" effort on that. My hunting battery is nearly complete, save for a few rimfire additions. Other "worky" projects that are a'cooking:
- Working on my house. We are planning to move out of this star struck too-big-for-it's britches town and I have to prepare. All done part time, of course.
- Working on cars. I obtained several good deals, but as always with used cars, there is work to be done in order to maximize their potential. Part time, too.
- Working on my real estate consultancy. This has been very 'part-time' in the recent past and Im trying to increase the energy and time put into it. I currently work on behalf of three separate clients.
- Working on my book and writing. Also a part time effort.
Why so much part-time effort?
Because I work 12 hour shifts on top of everything else! One of my biggest regrets is that I didnt learn to focus my enterprising energies until later in life - thus I have to walk the work-a-day treadmill for a living!
You may have noted a common thread in all this: planning. SO few people plan for any more than a vacation or perhaps the next detecting trip at the nearest school yard. But, in studying the succesful people of the world, I am alway impressed with the focused vision and organized planning they used to get to the top.
With these things at work, it is always a real challenge to allot enough time for the important stuff and decide which things to let go for as long as needed. This all takes the form of "time-chunks,"...with enough of them, Perseverence will win out, in the end.
Keep em swinging and Ill be around.