The Payette river is very famous for whitewater kayaking and rafting. This is another definition of white water.
[attachment 79983 friver.jpg]
[attachment 79975 upriver.jpg]
[attachment 79982 wfall.jpg]
[attachment 79977 iciclefiver.jpg]
The north side of the house we were plumbing.
[attachment 79984 icecicles.jpg]
This one is from my back step. Charlie likes nice racks, so this is for him. !
[attachment 79981 charliesdeer.jpg]
[attachment 79983 friver.jpg]
[attachment 79975 upriver.jpg]
[attachment 79982 wfall.jpg]
[attachment 79977 iciclefiver.jpg]
The north side of the house we were plumbing.
[attachment 79984 icecicles.jpg]
This one is from my back step. Charlie likes nice racks, so this is for him. !
[attachment 79981 charliesdeer.jpg]