When we test our machine most likely we put a target on the floor or soil and may have a target buried in our yard. If you were like I was the target would be tested laying flat and right in front of me. I started to realize this is a very poor test since targets can be at any angle in the soil and anywhere to the right or left of directly in front of me within the range of the electromagnetic flux of the coil. What happens if a targets such as a coin is vertical and over at the end of the sweep of the coil to my left or right? This got me started on testing targets, good and bad, at different angles by using clay to position the target or targets and at different point along the sweep of the coil. We may focus on how a dime sounds if vertical and to our left but trash targets also are in the soil at different angles. What happens if I have a piece of iron at 45 degree stuck in a piece of clay placed to within 4