Just not me!...lol. My hunting buddy Eric "the treasure phenom" was on a leisurely stroll downtown the other day. One of the main streets through downtown is being torn up to redo some duct work below and the worksite is about 3 blocks long. When demolition first began, one of the first things removed were the old trolly tracks below the street. We have been salivating over this site since demo began, but the construction company wont allow anyone to hunt it due to hazards. So Eric was just minding his own business walking down the sidewalk next to some workers removing some very old stone masonry when a few feet away he heard a "clink" on the sidewalk. Walking over to where he heard the noise he looks in the dirt to see this: 1854 Large Cent! Now being a Minelab user he is very good at listening for "good sounds", but this was just impressive. No medal detector, just eyes and ears. HE HEARD IT! Here's a few pics, one of the LC, and the other of an 1860's view of the area under construction today.
I've had my BH SSII out quite a few times latey, most notably with this forums tbirds1976e on a hunt that spanned a few counties, had a great time Jeff, cant wait to get back out! Just the usual clad, sorry no postings.
I've also gotten into a new form of TH'ing after reading an article recently in my favorite "unmentionable" TH'ing magazine. It involves a long piece of rope, a 150# pull weight retrieving magnet, and a lake. You may have read this article recently and if you get a chance to try it, IT'S A BLAST! Unfortunately you wont find any american coins (except steel pennies) and wont find silver or gold, but there is still plenty of goodies to be found. If your a fisherman and want to restock your supplies for next year, this is any easy way to do it. I could go on about the many things to be found this way but I wont. So far in about 2 hours of "hunting" or "fishing"?
, i've come up with quite a few hooks, lures, weights, etc...but my favorite find so far in my short career is this 6" dagger w/ stainless steel blade. The magnet can be bought new on the internet under $10 +s/h, No batteries required! TC & HH, JJ

I've had my BH SSII out quite a few times latey, most notably with this forums tbirds1976e on a hunt that spanned a few counties, had a great time Jeff, cant wait to get back out! Just the usual clad, sorry no postings.
I've also gotten into a new form of TH'ing after reading an article recently in my favorite "unmentionable" TH'ing magazine. It involves a long piece of rope, a 150# pull weight retrieving magnet, and a lake. You may have read this article recently and if you get a chance to try it, IT'S A BLAST! Unfortunately you wont find any american coins (except steel pennies) and wont find silver or gold, but there is still plenty of goodies to be found. If your a fisherman and want to restock your supplies for next year, this is any easy way to do it. I could go on about the many things to be found this way but I wont. So far in about 2 hours of "hunting" or "fishing"?