We learned a lot from this article! Thanks for posting it, comisoas! Sunscreen, dry sand, probably covered in her finger marks raking through it frantically...things to look for and sharpen up on when a guy finds such a visual clue...Anyway..she definitely lives a charmed life to have a ring that high buck to begin with, vacations at the beach, and to have it returned to her...being a womans ring, I bet the melt value on that thing was less than 200 bucks, I dont know what a guy could get for a diamond of that size on the open market, but I bet she would be surprised if she ever got 'poor' herself and tried to sell it or pawn it...she'd be lucky to get a little over melt, or maybe 800 bucks on CL...
What a strange perception she had of us? OK, that may be the average persons idea of who and what we are..a bunch of old broke crooks, pirates, grave robbers and thieves? Oh well, we sure do our part to not give anyone that idea, but still, for some, its there none the less....She might have called down the Powers of the Universe on herself and have to spend a little time being really 'poor' to see who her real friends are and the true value of things...all it takes is one little thing to go from riches to rags in a darn hurry..hopefully she has changed her thoughts about us....
I guess this can be considered a complement...'old broke dude' returns high buck ring...we are the seekers, finders, and returners of the lost, and she got dang lucky that Firefighter came along when he did! Now excuse me, I have some graves to rob as soon as I get done knocking over a gas station..
(mentally of course, I'm too lazy to dig, and too chicken to steal...so I detect!)