A co-worker of mine that retired about 1-1/2 years ago because of health issues died yesterday...He was a very heavy drinker all of his life;and he told me before he left it was gonna be a close race whether his pancreas or liver got him in the ned...I guess it was his liver-I am headed up north Thursday evening;and it just so happens I will be traveling through the town where he is lying in state from 2:00 till 8:00P.M.Thursday nite...Going to drop by and pay my respects to him and his family....That makes 4 people from where I work that have died in the last 4 years...another co-worker and I were talking;and I mentioned how true that Randy Travis song,3 WOODEN CROSSES is when it says "ITS NOT WHAT YOU TAKE WHEN YOU LEAVE THIS WORLD BEHIND YOU-ITS WHAT YOU LEAVE BEHIND YOU WHEN YOU GO"....We will each one of us,leave a legacy behind us....its up to us how we will be remembered...I say make it count;and give'em something good to say about you at your funeral!!...