when I got to work yesterday;there was a union meeting being held.Last week,upper management announced they wanted to meet with the union.in our meeting yesterday,the union told us that,at the end of our contract-2/28/2007-the company was planning to move to Mexico,taking all our jobs with them.NOW,FOR ANOTHER BIT OF BAD NEWS:The company also told us there is no money in the NAFTA fund for schooling for us, or for extra unemployment.Now,Im not too worried-Well;OK;I am-but,my kids are raised and gone;a lot of younger people where I work have kids to raise,houses,cars....My wife,God bless her heart,stands by me-she says"we'll be allright"..AND,at least they gave us 13 months to plan for this-they couldve waited until Christmas of this year;when their 60 day plant closing notice went up.So,anyway,I will keep you posted on developments-the union goes into meetings with them a week from Wednesday.