I got the Outlaw for its light wieght , but mainly for its no motion all metal , I also picked up a 7" widescan coil for it . and was doing some testing in the no motion all metal . I was amazed to find that it can get a small gold ring at 9.5" with a very clear sound and faint at 10" deep this is with the 7" widscan coil . the main edge this set up has is for relick hunting in the woods or in shallow water . lets take shalow water . water tends to impeed your ability to swing the coil . so having a non motion all metal is less fatige just slowly move it along and it will sound off on that deep gold ring like a coon hound . now in the woods i often get in spots whear sticks and trees will not alow me to swing the coil this thing can get right in that and just get it over the target and the outlaw barks like a coon hound . just having theis small advantiges can make the diffrence between finding that long lost outlaw gold coin or not . I can not waite to get this thing out in the woods and unleash its power. one more point, some deepr targets I find need a fast swing speed when water hunting ,but with the no motion think of the advantige on those deep targets. aks me this is one special metal detector .