I just bought this camera. It's a 5 megapixel camera. I've taken a few pictures already, and like what I see, so far. I obviously have to work with lighting and exposure, but I'm not that worried about that yet.
I've installed the software that came with the camera onto my computer. I've been able to access the images using the EasyShare software, but, for the life of me, can't figure out how to open the captured images on any other program, like the image editor I normally use. I've tried changing the default transfer path to transfer the images to a folder I normally use for new images, but it's still transfering the images into the EasyShare software.
I'm thinking I may need to uninstall the EasyShare software and just use Windows Explorer to drag the images off the camera and onto my computer through the USB port. Does anyone have an idea that can help me?
HH from Allen in MI
I've installed the software that came with the camera onto my computer. I've been able to access the images using the EasyShare software, but, for the life of me, can't figure out how to open the captured images on any other program, like the image editor I normally use. I've tried changing the default transfer path to transfer the images to a folder I normally use for new images, but it's still transfering the images into the EasyShare software.
I'm thinking I may need to uninstall the EasyShare software and just use Windows Explorer to drag the images off the camera and onto my computer through the USB port. Does anyone have an idea that can help me?
HH from Allen in MI