Yesterday I had to perform a total system restore on my computer. After reloading XChange2, I had an "!" at the top of the screen. I connected my 3030 and got the following message:
The firmware on the CTX 3030 is not compatible with this application. Please perform an update on the application and try again.
Well, I tried to perform the update, but after the program said that the download was complete, I was asked to pick a language and agree to the User Agreement all over again.
What's up?
I know that most of the members here are Minelab gurus and I really appreciate the posts and knowledge you've shared.
The firmware on the CTX 3030 is not compatible with this application. Please perform an update on the application and try again.
Well, I tried to perform the update, but after the program said that the download was complete, I was asked to pick a language and agree to the User Agreement all over again.
What's up?
I know that most of the members here are Minelab gurus and I really appreciate the posts and knowledge you've shared.