Got to put in a few hours behind my Deleon today at the soccer fields, who needs a beach these fields are hot last three hunts here have produced rings, five in the last month and a half. This morning after dropping son off at a Air Force ROTC function I hit the soccer fields. As usual clad coins were everywhere the weather was much better than the local (weather guessers) said it was going to be. About the only thing that they can get right is that the wind will blow and blow it did it but did not start till around noon so I had a few hours of warm calm weather to play in the dirt. I started out hunting an area over a buried power cable that in the past has given my D fits that is where I left off Friday night. After covering this area sideline to sideline between four fields I had a few nice digs a handful of clad and a referee coin, I have found a few of these my guess they are used in the coin toss at the start of the games, a very nice tiger eye earring and another plated earring and a shark tooth on string. Wow time flies when you are having fun it was already noon so I had a couple of hours left as I had to pick up my son around 2:00. I moved over to the last set of fields and to an area that I had not found a keeper ring gold/silver until Fridays hunt when I found a small silver ring. On the second pass between these two fields I had a foil signal that read 0 -18 as my coil passed it sitting right over it read 14 -16 at a depth of 4" I drove my screwdriver in a tight pattern and hit something solid a couple of inches down opened a small hole and pulled out a tiny size 2 1/2 black hills gold ring. I am amazed at the performance of the DeLeon on small gold. The settings I use on my DeLeon I hunt all the time in discrimination mode with the knob set at minimum and sensitivity 8 to 9 and threshold at half and I check every target foil or above. I have noticed that small or thin gold rings will read deeper than they actually are but all gold rings react different from one to another. Sorry for the long post thanks for reading and Keep Looking Down