Craig in Alabama
New member
Here's the contest: Guess how many nails were used in the construction of all the pallets built by Miller Lumber in the last week (Saturday to Friday) If you can guess the number closest you will win something that anyone who has ever crossed this forum would covet as much as the Golden Welk In case of tie, earliest post wins Contest will run until the 2nd week of February 2020. ...just kidding, until July 3rd at 5:00 pm. Thats when I'll be celebrating my birthday with a cold tottie
Here's what you'll win
[attachment 61317 DSCN0635.JPG]
Now...I know what your saying.."what so special about that".
Not only can you dress like the General....
Well, just wait until you look under the bill of the hat
[attachment 61318 3hat.jpg]
Yes folks, someday on the Antique Roadshow this piece of memorabilia will probably be worth ...nothing
As an added incentive to guess, IF someone guesses the exact number they will win $1 million dollars.
Good Luck with the guessing on that one
Here's a customer that we build several loads for will have around 53,000 nails in one load don't guess low
Happy Guessing...and if ya don't guess then ya ain't patriotic
Here's what you'll win
[attachment 61317 DSCN0635.JPG]
Now...I know what your saying.."what so special about that".
Not only can you dress like the General....
Well, just wait until you look under the bill of the hat
[attachment 61318 3hat.jpg]
Yes folks, someday on the Antique Roadshow this piece of memorabilia will probably be worth ...nothing
As an added incentive to guess, IF someone guesses the exact number they will win $1 million dollars.
Good Luck with the guessing on that one
Here's a customer that we build several loads for will have around 53,000 nails in one load don't guess low
Happy Guessing...and if ya don't guess then ya ain't patriotic