When you only dig coins at 4-5", you don't need a probe! You haven't dug any holes yet like you will with the Explorer! And if you only use an 8" you are not taking full advantage of the Explorer so you might as well save your money in the first place.
It is not all about added info of the probe, it is about finding a target, period. The X-1 will go 3-4 inches on a coin, does your tiny-tec?
The Explorer picks up coins on edge like no detector you have ever used, this is a big reason so many have trouble pinpointing, that and how close it will get coins to trash. When you have a coin on edge, as I am sure you know, the pinpoint is usually off. When you dig down so far you break the halo then the coil loses the target. With out the X-1 you are left with an empty hole and you will just fill in the hole out of frustration, ultimately leaving a good coin for me to find! <IMG SRC="/forums/images/biggrin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="

Let me repeat a story about the probe that I doubt that you have heard. I went over to Indiana to hunt with Justin and his Grandpa Don and that is when I finally met Jack. This area we were hunting was where they had pulled a lot of old coins but targets were nonexistent now, at least very slim, you might swing for 45 minutes without even a promising false. I get this high pitched little crappy signal that won't repeat but something drew my attention to it. I kept messing with it but I was getting a pinpoint off to the side of where the hit was. I had not dug a target for a while so I thought I would try it. Dig down 9" where the pinpoint was and get a solid low tone with the probe. Dig out a 1907 V nickel. Don was standing there and I was talking to him a minute and get ready to fill the hole in and think, wait a minute, that wasn't a nickel tone. I picked the detector up and the whole area was a total null. So I turn the probe on and scan the hole and get a broke up high tone off to the side of the bottom of the hole. I dig out a bunch of dirt down in that direction and stick the probe back in and it goes off high silver. Dig it out and it was an 1877cc seated dime at 12" +. There is absolutely no way I would have that coin if I did not have the probe. There is no doubt in my mind. Any other probe made wouldn't have known which way to dig because of the iron that was in the other side of the hole.
With the probe, I dig more iffy targets than I would even consider digging with out it. I know if I dig a hole and stick the probe in and it nulls, I can fill the hole in and move on to the next target. A non discriminating probe you have to dig till you find the nail to know. The more time you spend on the ground trying to find a target, the less coins you will find. We hunt with a guy that has an Explorer and no probe that will spend 20 minutes on the ground looking for a target. If he finds a wheat in one day he is tickled pink. He calls one of us over to find the target with the X-1 for every target he gets, it gets really old! But, you ask him why he don't buy an X-1, he says he don't need one! <IMG SRC="/forums/images/frown.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="

I had the money saved up three different times and ended up spending it because I did not want to spend that much money on a probe. Now I kick myself in the ass for not getting it sooner.
When you are sitting at an empty hole waisting a lot of time trying to find a target, you remember this little talk we had. And do me a favor, if you get to the point where you are about to give up on the Explorer out of frustration, buy the probe and give it a shot before you sell it. I promise if you do you will get almost every penny you spent on the probe back out of it if you decide to sell it. Very high demand for them! How many used X-1 probes have you seen on the classifieds and on ebay? There is a reason! <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
