The 5.3 is the best coil you could own for the MXT.
All the rest are just site / situation specific.
I use my 5.3 95% of the time, and maybe even in your back yard!
I posted this a while back in another thred :
People have the impression that DD coils eliminate masking. They do not. Often times
they are vulnerable more so to masking then a concentric.
Another misconception of DD coils is that they are better in hot ground.
This is a maybe. If you are using a small DD it can help. But in the same ground, using a small concentric will work as good if not better.
In order to compensate in the depth loss of a DD vers a concentric, you have to go to a larger coil.
When you do this you are now reading more ground increasing the problem with hot ground.
By going to a larger coil, you also increase the problem of masking.
Larger coils also have the tendency of ignoring smaller objects.
Using a DD also decreases your ability to pin point and discriminate.
If you add all this to a new detector with a rather sever learning curve, you are compounding problems that you could eliminate with the right coil.
Most VLF detectors derive there best performance from a 6" to 7" coil on coin and jewelry type targets, in most hunting situations, at moderate depths.
All other size and type coils, larger or smaller, are designed for nitch hunting situations.
These are special applications for your hunting style or area conditions. Use of these coils create trade offs in performance in many different ways
Unless you are very experienced in using YOUR detector, you should only learn with a 6 or 7" coil.
Learn the detector first. Get a usable coil first to learn with. Once you have done this, you will be able to determine what other coil you may or may not need.
I have a long hunting history with detech coils and they are not to be sold short. In places where their particular strength is applied, they cannot be topped.
They are top notch performers that fill different nitches that the MFGs can't (or won't) provide.
For coin size and larger deeper targets, the 8x6 is very hard to beat.
But if you are looking for small gold (nuggets, chains, earrings, earring backs, tiny rings, pendants, etc.) I have found it tends to ignore them.
Especially on the surface.
The smaller coils are much more sensitive to these higher value targets.
The small, 5.3 concentric excels in performance.
Of all the coils I own for the MXT, the 5.3 is still the best all around coil I have to work with.
It is the coil I use when I am serious and not just out playing..