I don't think you will miss anything 2-3 grains or bigger in size with your detector which is pretty small stuff. If your wanting to find the smallest gold go with a GB2 71khz, it misses almost nothing but the fines, I have been watching my buddys on a mining claim in northern nevada recently dig for pocket gold, they use GB2's to locate and trace the gold in the quartz veins, once they find a vein with gold, they get out the jackhammers and follow the vein, stopping every foot or two, to detect and pick up the bigger stuff and bottle it, then check the vein with the detectors to keep going in the right direction, they sweep up at the end of the day and grind the stuff and gold wheel the remains, its amazing how small of gold, these gb2's will detect, maybe a piece of gold 1/4 the size of a pin head! Get yourself a grain scale and then you can keep track of what your detector will and will not detect, see if its satisfactory for your use. Nice thing about the GB2 also is that you got the iron id switch to immediately check a signal with before digging, some mining areas are covered with tiny bits of steel from dozer blades, and these will discriminate out if you go into iron id, so you don't waste time digging them. I just found a 4.18 gram 10K chain/pendant this morning detecting a local park, so got the bug again to hit the parks for awhile. I just got back from drywashing in northern nevada a week ago. I do enjoy gold mining. In all its forms. hehe.