It was such a beautiful day on Friday I decided to skip work and do my taxes! After 3 hours it was time to go metal detecting. Bad news to start--I went to the church conference retreat I usually hunt, and the director told me that he'd rather I not hunt there anymore as the field was getting muddy. This had nothing to do with me, but I could not argue as he was the director. So I went to a church I usually hunt, and the Rev. was painting the door. I asked him if I could there, and he said sure. There is a plot of lawn about 40x30 feet, so I hunted first with the 9x8 stock Vaquero coil and then over the same area with the 10x12 SEF butterfly coil. Picture 1 shows the results for the 10x12 SEF and picture 2 the 9x8 stock elliptical coil. The results are not really scientific as I should have retried the area with each coil, but the results seem to speak for themselves. Settings: threshold ~3; sensitivity just below 10, and DISC one notch below nickel. Did also find more iron with the double D SEF.
The dime is a 1951 Rosie and the gold think may be a piece of an earphone(?). Also, found 2 girl scout pins or some type.
Andy from Hillsborough
The dime is a 1951 Rosie and the gold think may be a piece of an earphone(?). Also, found 2 girl scout pins or some type.
Andy from Hillsborough