Slowing down and taking my time with my Cibola sure is paying off. She finding lots of hidden treasure for me. I went back to that small area that I've been detecting for the last several days to see if I could find some more silver. No such luck, but I did find a bunch of clad coins, a neat button and some wheat pennies (1951, 1910, 1919, 1949, 194?, 1918, 1944). I decided to leave there and go back to the site where I found the gold ring and the Genie
. I worked that site again really slow and was uncovering coins that I had missed before, but still no gold or silver. I left there to go and work some curbs at another site and I'm glad that I did. I just finished working the grassy area next to the sidewalk and had just turned back to work the area next to the curb when I got a funky signal. I popped a fairly deep plug and checked the hole with my ProPointer and didn't get a signal. I checked the plug and nothing there either. I replaced the plug and stomped it in really good. By habit, I ran the coil over the spot again and got the same signal again, so I pulled the plug and started digging it out towards the curb where I found this beautiful 1941 Walking Liberty standing on edge right next to the back of the curb. Luck was with me again today. Same settings as usual (see picture below). The discrimination was set where a Gatorade Sports Foil Cap just discriminates out.