Ground is frozen, covered with snow..Big old County map on a drafting table next to the computer.First a list of places that are being marked off on the map. Possible lost ring areas. Tot lots..Even a dog run area. People throw they not? And rings fly off.!!! Parks to see where trails may run off.. Roads, or access to places I want to search. Checking leads for historical society talks,Just reading about what was planned and the pictures opened up four areas I had not considered. I can hop in the car,drive four miles, park, and stand in the same spot people are standing in the 1800's..photograph... Then Google and the local history books to see what's there now. I found a covered over canal site, and what may be the remains of a lock where I can get permission for a couple of swinging hours. Google may have found the 1800's baseball field,possibly a second as well. In case a site is not able to be worked, I would prefer a back up site in the same area...By outlining where you want to go, you can maximize the site areas to be searched.For example, come Spring, the weedy areas will burst with new plants.You will only have a short time to get maximum ground area before the plants choke you out... These are the first areas to hit.Once searching becomes difficult, you move on.Where the areas will be mowed, you can save them for a later date.. One place I want to hit, I'll be happy to mow the lawn,,,in fact, I'll be doing that at several houses.Ah, the little tufty missed spots? Some pros on this site might realize they are Lay out markers ....Look, you have the time now to get organized..You want to waste good searching weather driving around with one thumb in your mouth, and. the other in your ear?...Also, building my pay pal up..Eventually. I'll find a good pair of Rats, Grey Ghosts, or Killers..Also, a 5.75 concentric for the"V".No hurry, just getting ready ...What you do between now and the season is up to you.Drink beer, watch TV, gain weight...OR, you get that county map, and start laying out your hunts..Who knows you might just get the reputation for being the Glass Kicking Momma in your neck of the woods..That's all Folks..Am trying to get a photo up of my meager finds for the 40 to 45 hours of learning in 2008.. Sooner or later.I'll figure it out......... Don't waste your time wishing for a good season. Make it happen, , cordially NAD