Had the chance to revisit an old detector this evening... A Whites Eagle II SL 90.. with the Motorola Chip.... This detector is twenty years old and works as good as any of today's detectors.. My buddy bought it, and didn't know how to use it..So he asked me if I ever used one.. Well I sure had used one, or two, or three of them.. LOL.... I was amazed at how well this detector did.. Deep, stable, and dead on in ID and depth........... It worked flawlessly.......... very impressive.................makes me wish I had one again... Only thing I noticed was a little play in the rod as you swing it..That's just how they are..it was awesome.
Anyway thought I would share my story....
PS: He got it at a Sale for $150.00.......... unbelievable !!!
Anyway thought I would share my story....
PS: He got it at a Sale for $150.00.......... unbelievable !!!