I have read many posts about people who have used Tesoros for so long that they could tell much about their targets from the slight differences in the tone. I have been using a Vaquero for about 50 hours or so and I believe I am learning these differences. Here is my procedure. I set the disc to just above iron. When I get a signal, I start the thumbing. First stop right at nickle(a nickle signal will leave just a hair past), if signal still there, I go to first line past tab and if it is still there, I dig. This is a foolproof method, but after digging 25 deeper coins(6 to8 inches), I started recognizing these deep coins and I started eliminating the disc thumbing. It was amazing that most of these signals were indeed coins. Also, the intermediate depth coins are starting to sound different then tabs and aluminum slaw. The last V I had was a high tone model and my current one is the regular tone. I believe the regular tone V 's tone has more variances to my hearing that allow coins to sound different than junk. Maybe I am imagining this or maybe I have got more comfortable with my latest V, but one thing for sure, this detector is a coin magnet