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The headphones I like are Sony $20 studio phones from sprawlmart. They are half the size of full sized phones and so much more comfortable and less hot too, but the other reason I like them is they have excellent audio. But anyway, they don't have any volume control, let alone seperate volume control for each ear. I could solder volume controls into them but why not take the easy way out? Since one ear hears stuff louder than my other, I just stuffed some foam into the good ear's ear cup on the headphones. Now I've got equal hearing in both ears and it works like a charm. I've never noticed that I don't hear as well in one ear as I do the other, so I'm not even sure if it's my hearing or just the one speaker is louder than the other on these, but just the same a quick stuff with some foam and all is well. Nothing drove me crazier then hearing targets in one ear only before doing that. The ear muffs can be pulled out a bit to tuck the foam under them, so there was no need for tape or anything. Quick and simple fix.