Pics are bad but coins are alittle worse for wear. Decided to make first hunt with new coil at old park in town that's been around since 1900 easily. Heavily wooded with lots of narrow trails and serious old growth in back of park. 5 months ago or so I hit it pretty good with the big coil and finally pulled a wheat, so I figured as old as this place is there has to be goodies still. Went over every place if hit before and started getting signals I swear I had swung over multiple times in the past. Got about a dollar in clad but first good find was half a silver ring. Snooped around and ended up finding other half about a foot away. Around the corner at the base of a huge fir tree I got a unreadable buffalo that took a .22 round off the edge. I was happy to pull that cause I don't find those often. Also got a 29 wheat, a 40 wheat and a dog tag. This coil is a Great addition and I'm sure it won't be coming off anytime soon. So pumped to get back out and hit more ground.