Did all the targets, tried my back yard with the Silver. Settings, sensitivity at 6. This seems to be the best place on my unit. Discrimination at iron. Picked up two cents ,one wheat (1930's) Then got a signal ,nice tone ,and dug up a small rusty metal cap from a jar. This should have canceled out? Ran the detector over it to make the adjustment, and it was silent..However, a sharp signal.came from a totally green1883 Indian cent. Original condition would have been close to XF, now worthless.I am pickled tink that the Silver U Max can shoot around corners....Went over to a totally hunted out school yard.First hundred feet, not a sound?????? Nothing. Then got three clad quarters, one cent and a clad dime..Total finds so far.89 cents.Double that in aluminum junk.. $161.61 left to pay it off..I would like to thank you all for the advice given on the use of this detector..First time out and I knew it all.Anyone know anything about boxing.? Buster Douglas is supposed to have his training camp not that far from here...Was thinking, how many of us get a chance to go one on one?? Cordially NAD