New member
I cant seem to find any silver coins, my favourite park has a good stock of oldish coins, mainly coppers dating between late victorian thro to the 1950s. I,m thinking mabey the kids who lost most of these coins only had coppers to lose. Out of handfulls of pennies and halfpennies, I,ve had 3 or 4 silver coins, I cant believe that there isnt some sixpences or silver threepences among these finds. I try air tests with my F5 at home and all seems well. The ground I hunt over is quite dry as it is in the shade of big trees and very few of my finds have been deeper than 3 to 4 inches. There is a lot of rubbish in the ground so I tend to dig most signals even tho I know its giong to be a bottle top or worse. I,m usually searching with the gai around 65 and the thres at 0, any suggestions or advice would be great.