...and I'm loving the ride. When I uncovered the gold cross all I could say was " no way ! " and as it turned out I was right. It's plated but was still a thrill to uncover. It took a minute to get my heart re-started. I actually made my find of the day right before the cross. The small item on the top right is an earring back stamped .925 and it has that dark grey shellac "old look" to it. I swear I dug that thing up from every bit of 6' maybe even 7' in wet sand. I know that isn't world-class but I felt pretty triumphant when I finally located it. The pinpoint was so tight I thought it was trash but I figured "why not" and after sifting the signal 3 times I finally cornered it. The heart pendant looks like silver but there's no stamp so I'm not sure. I can't believe how much silver this "gold machine" has been finding.
Also hunted some coastal cliffs and found a little clad. Oldest coin was a 64' penny. Best finds were a key-tip, a small fishing weight, a .25 cal. (I think) slug, and a small polished piece of abalone shell. The shell is a good sign as it may mean there was an old R.R. camp in the vicinity. I'll let you know if I find it. Hope you like my finds.
Also hunted some coastal cliffs and found a little clad. Oldest coin was a 64' penny. Best finds were a key-tip, a small fishing weight, a .25 cal. (I think) slug, and a small polished piece of abalone shell. The shell is a good sign as it may mean there was an old R.R. camp in the vicinity. I'll let you know if I find it. Hope you like my finds.