After my Silver Saber Umax came in I air tested it and took it out to my funky test garden. It seemed to be a little behind the Cibola in depth. But looks can be deceiving.
This morning I took it to a spot that I have searched with three different MDs and six different coils. The first signal I dug, and then I couldn't find it. There were signals every where. OH NO!! Turn down the sensitivity you dummy!!!!!
The next signal sounded real nice. I wondered why I didn't catch it with the Cibola. Dug 6' with the trowel. Real rocky so I got my shovel and dug down 12". Still there so I widened the hole just in case I missed it. Still there I got down to 14" and found a silver coated brass bell. The silver coating is mostly worn off. It is a high quality bell cut out of brass like a brass band cymbal. I think it's from a carnival ride that was there many years ago.
Next I learned a painful lesson. Less than 1' from the bell I got a signal that sounded good in one direction. but not right. There was that crooked piece of iron in the way so I removed it. Signal still didn't sound right so I removed a chain link. It still didn't sound right. Shoot I said to myself, I'm going to find out what this is. Before I knew it I had a 2' deep hole I could stand in and the signal still didn't sound right even though I could put the coil in the hole. I checked it with the Cibola and Cibola said there's nothing there. I turned the sensitivity down just a little on the Umax and the signal went away. What a dummy!
I stayed a little longer before my shoulder got to hurting. Found a token, a lighter, few coins and a bottle of face cream.
Went to the play ground at the same park and in a few minutes 3 buss loads of rug rats showed up. Time to leave.
Went to the river playground. looked for my stainless steel digger. OH NO !!!!!! I left it at the first stop I made!!!?!!!
Went back and got it and came back. I found a silver charm, a five pens, a cheep, broken piece of fish jewelry and some coins.
Conclusion: The Silver Saber Umax discriminates iron a little more than the Cibola but I can still tell it's there. I can easily locate nails with it.
Ha listen, I don't know about you guys that have used lots of Tesoros, But the Cibola is my first Tesoro and it just blows me away how well it
works. The Silver Saber Umax blows me away just as much as the Cibola. It is so informative about what's in the ground. I have just begun to
speak its language and I can't wait to become fluent
Here is some of the stuff I found,
Happy hunting
This morning I took it to a spot that I have searched with three different MDs and six different coils. The first signal I dug, and then I couldn't find it. There were signals every where. OH NO!! Turn down the sensitivity you dummy!!!!!
The next signal sounded real nice. I wondered why I didn't catch it with the Cibola. Dug 6' with the trowel. Real rocky so I got my shovel and dug down 12". Still there so I widened the hole just in case I missed it. Still there I got down to 14" and found a silver coated brass bell. The silver coating is mostly worn off. It is a high quality bell cut out of brass like a brass band cymbal. I think it's from a carnival ride that was there many years ago.
Next I learned a painful lesson. Less than 1' from the bell I got a signal that sounded good in one direction. but not right. There was that crooked piece of iron in the way so I removed it. Signal still didn't sound right so I removed a chain link. It still didn't sound right. Shoot I said to myself, I'm going to find out what this is. Before I knew it I had a 2' deep hole I could stand in and the signal still didn't sound right even though I could put the coil in the hole. I checked it with the Cibola and Cibola said there's nothing there. I turned the sensitivity down just a little on the Umax and the signal went away. What a dummy!
I stayed a little longer before my shoulder got to hurting. Found a token, a lighter, few coins and a bottle of face cream.
Went to the play ground at the same park and in a few minutes 3 buss loads of rug rats showed up. Time to leave.
Went to the river playground. looked for my stainless steel digger. OH NO !!!!!! I left it at the first stop I made!!!?!!!
Went back and got it and came back. I found a silver charm, a five pens, a cheep, broken piece of fish jewelry and some coins.
Conclusion: The Silver Saber Umax discriminates iron a little more than the Cibola but I can still tell it's there. I can easily locate nails with it.
Ha listen, I don't know about you guys that have used lots of Tesoros, But the Cibola is my first Tesoro and it just blows me away how well it
works. The Silver Saber Umax blows me away just as much as the Cibola. It is so informative about what's in the ground. I have just begun to
speak its language and I can't wait to become fluent
Here is some of the stuff I found,
Happy hunting