Hi all, The other day was out with my hunting partner, he kindly let me use his Cibola with a Cleansweep Coil, ( I have a Garrett GTI2500) and he used his Silver Umax with a Cleansweep coil.
Between us we got nearly $80, but I also found a nice Silver/Gold ring, the ground was pretty hard and dry, but since then we've had heaps of rain.
I'm impressed how quick you can cover the ground and how light the Cibola is, so it will be my next detector with the CSC.
Between us we got nearly $80, but I also found a nice Silver/Gold ring, the ground was pretty hard and dry, but since then we've had heaps of rain.
I'm impressed how quick you can cover the ground and how light the Cibola is, so it will be my next detector with the CSC.