If the Silencer is set at 3 or 4, the Deus' detecting range for small targets will be substantially reduced, i.e.the detector will be less sensitive to small coins and jewelry at the outer limit of the Deus' Depth Penetration. And, for example, if you use high levels of the Silencer at the medieval hunt site infested with iron, most of the tiny hammered coins will be easily passed up.This would happen because, along with muting the detector's responses to both the ground- and iron-falsing, the Silencer will also eliminate responses to deep small coins, coins on edge, tiny hammereds, gold jewelry and its fragments, etc.So it is up to a user to decide either to dig up everything or have one's audio comfort. However, setting the Silencer at high levels would not make any difference for the medium and large-sized coins.
Setting the Silencer level at 0 or -1 during air-testing of a nail-masked 5-cent coin, which is described on a previous page, caused a not-so-good (inconsistent, with iron buzz and only 70% high-pitched in one way sweeps) response to the coin. And the coin's VDI readings were lower in values (8, 14 and 25) due to increased interference from responses to iron nails.
So, if one searches for "normal" coins - the perfect round-shaped coins, which are MASKED by the iron nails, the Silencer level should be kept above 0 or even 1.
In the v2.0 software version, the Reactivity setting is designed to take precedence over the Silencer to avoid reduction in Reactivity's effectiveness when an inappropriate value of Silencer is used. So you need to pay attention to levels of both settings when you change one or another in your search programs, especially when doing it "on the fly". If you increase Reactivity, and the Silencer is set at a low level, after you leave the Reactivity sub-menu and return to it later, the Silencer value will be increased automatically to the appropriate level. It is like this setting has a mind of its own.